Ideal Store, Newtongrange

Ideal Store, Newtongrange is your local, friendly, one stop shop for all your household needs and much more.

Situated in a prime position on Newtongrange Main Street. Ideal Store is only a few minutes from Dalkeith and in close proximity to most of the villages situated around Midlothian. Ideal Store has ample parking for its patrons.

Ideal Store has large range of goods always in stock, the household department has everything for a modern household, the cleaning department has branded cleaning such as Mr Muscle and Johnson & Johnson , the garden and tools department has tools for every conceivable job, the cards & gifts department has something for every occasion, the food department boasts high quality confectionary and snacks, in the lighting department we stock the largest assortment of light bulbs in Newtongrange. Ideal Store has a comprehensive range of stocked items all at the best possible price, this includes cost effective prices and from the leading brands in their field.

For further information on our stocked items please use the links at the top of the page in the drop down menu or click an item in the list below.

Catagories of Ideal Store stocked items

Ideal Store's opening & closing times and contact details can be found on our contact page or home page of our website.